Building Communities, Touching Lives

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2026-2029 SCADC Needs Assessment

Make your voice heard by sharing what’s important to you. We are seeking help from Senior Adults, People with Disabilities, Caregivers, and Others interested in people living at home for as long as po…

2025-2028 State Plan on Aging

The Alabama Department of Senior Services (ADSS), in partnership with (AAA), wants to hear from you. Every four years, ADSS completes a State Plan on Aging that acts as a blueprint of advocacy efforts…

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The South Central Alabama Development Commission (SCADC) is a quasi-government agency that encompasses the Area Agency on Aging & Planning & Economic Development for South Central Alabama. The Commission is committed to assisting seniors with services covered under the Older Americans Act, Medicare, Medicaid and other state funded programs. The Commission also has a devoted team committed to helping communities with community and economic development projects including planning and GIS for its member governments.

For over 30 years, our staff has successfully assisted local governments in preparing planning strategies, securing and administering development grant funds, and providing aging assistance, thereby allowing local officials to make informed decisions regarding their community’s future and providing additional benefits for their citizens.