Revolving Loan Fund

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The South Central Alabama Development Commission’s Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) Program is a locally controlled source of capital used to provide gap financing to start-up and expanding businesses in Montgomery, Bullock, Butler, Crenshaw, Lowndes, Macon, and Pike counties. The primary goal of the program is to stimulate the economy through the creation of local jobs. The RLF targets small to medium-sized businesses, which are financially sound but are unable to secure adequate financing for start-up or expansion projects. Loans can be made for financing land, buildings, equipment, and working capital. The RLF was not established to compete with private lending institutions but to complement commercial lending programs by providing necessary “gap finance” once the bank and owner have reached their financial limits.

Additional funds are currently available to assist businesses and industries in Montgomery county. These funds have specifically targeted the Montgomery area in order to stimulate economic activity and support the creation of jobs in this region.

Applications can be downloaded from this site and submitted by mail or e-mail.  For more information about SCADC’s RLF please contact the following:

Jacob Poole
South Central Alabama Development Commission
5900 Carmichael Place Montgomery, AL 36117
Phone: 334-244-6903 ext. 134

Program Description
Our business and project loans are ideal for Startups and Expanding businesses and financing is available for up to 100% of project costs. Our aim is to address the following Six (6) Needs:

1. Business Support
2. Entrepreneurship
3. Expansion and Growth
4. Sustainable Development
5. Workforce Development
6. Economic Leadership and Funding

Additional Information on the Revolving Loan Fund

Business Needs
Almost any business reason. Real Estate, Construction, Machinery, Equipment, Inventory, Payroll

Types of Businesses
Industry, Commercial, and Service Businesses

Minimum Years in Business

Interest Rate
Dependent upon the use, but VERY competitive

Terms Working Capital
Up to 7 years

5-10 years

Real Property
7-12 years

Fixed Monthly Payments

Loan Amounts
$10,000 minimum / $200,000 maximum