2026-2029 SCADC Needs Assessment

Make your voice heard by sharing what’s important to you. We are seeking help from Senior Adults, People with Disabilities, Caregivers, and Others interested in people living at home for as long as possible. The information collected from this assessment will play an integral part in the development of the SCADC-AAA Area Plan on Aging.

SCADC 2026-2029 Needs Assessment

SCADC 2026-2029 Needs Assessment

1. Please choose your race (Choose one by placing an X in the box of your choice)
2. Please choose your ethnicity (Choose one by placing an X in the box of your choice)
4. Please choose your age range (Choose one by placing an X in the box of your choice)
3. Please choose your monthly income range (Choose one by placing an X in the box of your choice)
5. Please choose your location (Choose one by placing an X in the box of your choice)
6. Do you live alone? (Choose one by placing an X in the box of your choice)
7. Do you feel socially isolated and/or lonely? (Choose one by placing an X in the box of your choice)
8. Are you a person living with a disability? (Choose one by placing an X in the box of your choice)
9. Are you a caregiver taking care of someone else? (Choose one by placing an X in the box of your choice)
11. If you are not able to take care of yourself, is there a family member or friend who would take care of you? (Choose one by placing an X in the box of your choice)

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